Scott Gruber

Scott Gruber is a designer and developer building an ethical design practice grounded in accessibility, performance and aesthetics. He has twenty-years experience using digital tools to create across a wide-range of media. He works at the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability.

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Living Design Systems at UCLA UCLA BruinTech conference June 2019
Public speaking with confidence UCLA Sustainable Action Research Teams May 2019
Typography for Presentations, Websites and Research Papers UCLA Design Tools Workshops February 2019
Presentation Design Universal by design November 2018
UCLA IoES Web Tools workshop UCLA IoES Web Tools Workshop November 2018
Design Thinking at the UCLA IoES Design Thinking November 2018 Study Group #6: Using CSS Grid Today! Study Group #6: Using CSS Grid Today! November 2018
Graphics Tools UCLA IoES Learn at Lunch Program: Graphics Tools October 2018
Web Design Accessibility, Performance and Aesthetics Space Apps Challenge 2018 Kickoff October 2018
Using CSS Grid on academic sites at the UCLA IoES Using CSS Grid on UCLA Academic Websites October 2018
Web Design Accessibility, Performance and Aesthetics FWD:labs Salon #78 September 2018
CSS and Web Design CC Fest LA September 2018
Learning about Accessibility Accessibility Workshop May 2018

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